IELTS EXAM: ‘How to Make English Learning Effective and Efficient’ I’m no stranger to English learning. I’ve been dealing with it since I was 7, and only recently that I’ve realised that I can learn English not only effectively but also efficiently. What I want to say is that I don’t waste my time or […]
IELTS EXAM: Учимся говорить как носитель английского языка Evgeny Rodin ‘How to Sound Like an English Native Speaker’ Apparently, the only way to sound like a native speaker of English is to imitate what the English say and how they say it. The best possible option would be to find some English person and to […]
Блог IELTS EXAM: Alliteration in English (by Evgeny Rodin) If somebody asked me what makes English special, I would name alliteration as the main distinctive feature. It is not simply a stylistic device (you’ve noticed it in the sentence, haven’t you?), there is much more to it. Alliteration is one of the “laws” of the […]
Блог об испанском языке и культуре испаноязычных стран: Куба! ¡Bienvenidos a Cuba! Дорогие друзья, продолжим наше путешествие теперь уже по странам Латинской Америки. Начнем с Кубы. Это островное государство, население которого составляет около 11 миллионов жителей. Интересный факт, Куба не один век была испанской колонией, а потом была переуступлена США, и стала неоколонией, т.е. новой […]
Изучение английского самостоятельно Many people ask whether it is possible to learn English at home. I think it is. There are a lot of different apps for English learning in the market, and you can easily find something interesting. I, for one, like to surf looking for apps and dictionaries. You should bear in mind […]
IELTS раздел «Говорение» — полезные подсказки There are not too many things you need to bear in mind if you want to improve your speaking considerably. Firstly, you should improve your pronunciation. In order to speak properly, you should end up your words with a vowel. For example, ‘last train’ should pronounced like ‘lah strain’. […]
Как улучшить свой английский в России? How to Improve Your English in Russia Learning English in Russia is an uphill task for many of us. Therefore, it is only natural that people would look for some easy ways out, which is actually a fatally flawed approach. Nothing can be achieved without perseverance, and English is […]
IELTS Secrets: секреты теста по английскому IELTS There are several things everyone should know before taking IELTS. I hope this information will help you not only achieve your goals but also set new ones. 1) IELTS is more than just a language exam. It is a chance for many people to study and/or work abroad. […]
Полезные советы для сдающих IELTS: «IELTS Speaking Tips» Let me start right off the bat: if you want to pass the IELTS Speaking module successfully, make English speaking an integral part of your life. Simple as it may sound, this advice, however, is a bit difficult to follow. While you can easily immerse yourselves in […]
IELTS Exam: «Fancy IELTS?» Learning languages is like a one-way ticket: you either use it or lose it. You can take this avenue if it’s right up your street, but you should take it with a pinch of salt. I was 7 years old when I first started learning English as a schoolboy. Now, in […]
Урок 24. Временные формы глагола в финском. Согласование времён в финском языке. На вопрос о том, как связаны между собой все 4 формы глагола, выражающие настоящее, прошедшее и будущее время можно ответить тремя способами: — перечислить причины употребления каждой временной глагольной формы; — привести краткие формулы согласования времен глаголов; — привести примеры, демонстрирующие нам в […]
Урок 23. Образование всех временных форм в финском языке. 1. Preesens. 2. Imperfekti. 3. Perfekti. 4. Pluskvamperfekti. Рассмотрим образование всех временных форм на примерах глаголов всех типов: asun(I), saada(II), tulla(III), tavata(IV), valita(V), vanheta(VI). 1) asun, asut, asuu, asumme, asutte, asuvat en/ et/ ei/ emme/ ette/ eivät asu 2) asuin, asuit, asui, asuimme, asuitte, asuivat en/ […]